The General Conference, which marked the 10th Anniversary of the ASEMUS, presented an opportunity for ASEMUS members to reflect on the network’s development in the last decade. Participants addressed a strategic plan to enlarge the ASEMUS network to ASEM countries not yet represented, as well as to other key museums. They also discussed innovative ideas on gaining visibility, supporting innovative ideas for co-operation, and ensuring sustainability in the long run.
The theme of the conferencewas “Mapping,” which was divided into three categories: Mapping Of Asian Collections, Mapping Of Asia-Europe Museum Engagements And Initiatives, and Mapping Of Institutions And Professionals. The format of the meeting included plenary sessions, presentation of case studies, and working groups. Memberswere also invited to present their institutions and activities and propose new projects.
ASEMUS is a cross-cultural network with a membership of over 70 museums in Asia and Europe.