Political financing regulation is a body of principles, rules, and procedures through which parties attempt to limit the undue influence of money in politics. In most countries state bodies such as governmental departments, national electoral commissions, or specialised financing monitoring bodies are entrusted or created to monitor and enforce political and financial regulations.
The list of corrupt practices experienced in Asia and Europe associated with party and election financing is widely known to decision-makers and the public at large, and it includes:
– Favouritism and malpractice in public procurement
– Distortion of privatisation processes
– Selective licensing
– Abuse of public resources for campaigning
– Creation of slush funds in state-owned enterprises and public bodies
The two-day workshop looked at self-regulating bodies by comparing the different regulatory experiences that have evolved across countries in Asia and Europe.
– Examine existing bodies and mechanisms overseeing political financing.
– Discuss the challenges and trends facing political financing today, particularly in Asian and European democratising countries.
– Promote a professional network to discuss and exchange knowledge-based, innovative, and integrated methods of strategies and activities regarding political financing.
– Contribute to closer relationships between different national actors in Asia and Europe.
Eighteen Asian and European experts from ASEM countries participated in the workshop.
Dr. Roel Fernhout, Professor of Law, University of Nijmegen & Former National Ombudsman of the Netherlands