At the workshop on “Improving the Role of the Police in Asia and Europe,” participants discussed safeguards and oversight bodies as well as the relationship between the police and community. One of the main recommendations at this workshop was the creation of a handbook to share best practices for policing in Asia and Europe. In particular, one aspect was highlighted: “Building on the platforms of the rich experience of police forces and oversights in both regions, Asia and Europe are encouraged to work in collaboration on a police code of ethics for police training.”
The “Best Practices Handbook” meeting was held to develop a policing handbook that would address the needs of policing schools, officials of relevant ministries within ASEM governments, as well as regional and international organisations seeking proper development of policing.
A review of literature and publications, as well as interviews with individuals associated with “best practices projects”—as identified by a research team and the literature—provided the basis for the meeting. The two-day meeting brought the main research team together with selected key individuals and resource people who had relevant experience in developing a handbook for best practices and in policing reforms. Together, they brainstormed the development of the handbook and set up a framework for the overall research.