Since 2015, has been publishing Creative Responses to Sustainability, a series of country-specific guides looks at creative responses to sustainability in different countries in Asia and Europe. We are pleased to present this new Guide for Australia, the 5th in the series, written and researched by Australian author Claire WILSON. As for the previous guides, the guide for Australia will feature a directory of 20 to 25 most pioneering and significant cultural organisations contributing to social and environmental change through their artistic practice.
This new Guide for Australia is the first written by a local researcher and features an interactive map of the country with links to identified organisations, so as to facilitate connections with the local operators in the country. The Guide also gives an overview of some of the key ways of working and challenges in the Australian context, based on interviews and surveys as well as research on key organisations and trends.
Creative Responses to Sustainability builds on the discussions initiated by the EU funded network Green Art Lab Alliance (GALA) since 2013 and previously on ASEF’s engagement with the topic of artists and climate change in global dialogues around environmental sustainability through its Connect2Culture programme (2008-2011).The Guides on Singapore (2015), Korea (2016) and Indonesia (2017) were researched by Yasmine OSTENDORF, the initiator of GALA. Through this series, also contributes to the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly, ensuring public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements (SDG #16). contributes to the pursuit of this SDG by providing public access to information and arts & culture in the 51 countries of the ASEM region.