The nature of cultural policies has changed in many countries in recent years. Objectives are being reconsidered, policies have become more hybrid, and operational structures have been reorganised. Economic constraints and pressure to demonstrate the effectiveness of policies has led to the search for (or implementation of) new tools by governments to measure, evaluate, and strengthen the cultural sector and its policies. Ministries with cultural portfolios know that delivering cultural policies is increasingly complex.
– How can ministries assess that what they are doing is effective?
– What policy options do they have?
– What can policy makers from European and Asian countries learn from each other?
This seminar gathered civil servants from culture and related ministries to share their experience and learn about innovative or good practices in Asia and Europe. Cultural policy analysts, researchers, and policy makers with experience working in government or quasi-governmental agencies were also on board as speakers or chairpersons to promote a dynamic dialogue, which opened the path to the drafting of recommendations in the field of cultural policy. The recommendations were later brought up at the political level during ASEM5 in Hanoi, Vietnam.