The Asia-Europe Environment Forum Panel, “Global Climate Change Policy after 2012 – ASEM’s Contribution”, was held on 23rd April, 2007 in the European Environment Agency (EEA), Copenhagen, Denmark and was a side-event to the ASEM Environment Ministerial held in Copenhagen on 24th-26th April.
With keynote addresses by Environment Ministers Connie Hedegaard from Denmark and Rachmat Witoelar from Indonesia, the Asia-Europe Environment Forum’s (ENVforum) discussion panel provided much food for thought for all stakeholders present at the meeting.
The panel included leading experts such as Dr. Joergen Fenhann from UNEP-Risoe Laboratory (lead author of the International Panel on Climate Change Working Group III) and Ms. Pamposh Bhat (CDM-India).
Following presentations on their views on the post-2012 Global Climate Change policy, the panellists engaged in a dynamic exchange with the public, discussing and outlining the stakes and central interests surrounding the imminent lapse of the Kyoto Protocol.
This panel built on the ENVforum’s work on climate change strategies by encouraging a multi-stakeholder discussion in order to enrich and animate the debate on climate change strategies.
This public panel discussion addressed the key issues including:
– The costs and benefits of a global climate policy.
– The roles of governments and societies in global climate policy.
– The experiences of stakeholders with the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).
Ms. Connie Hedegaard, Environment Minister, Denmark
Mr. Rachmat Witoelar, Environment Minister, Indonesia