ASEF’s flagship environment programme received fresh support for a second phase during its third Steering Committee Meeting. The meeting reiterated the Forum’s mission to provide policy recommendations on sustainable development issues, with more direct input into official negotiations and regional and inter-regional policy co-ordination, particularly in the ASEM framework.
The co-organisers of the Forum and other steering committee members — including the new member Pan Jiahua, Executive Director of the Research Centre for Sustainable Development (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) — also pledged to further promote the Forum’s outputs through their own networks and spheres of influence.
In addition, the meeting saw the launch of the Forum’s new publication, “The Jakarta 12: Asia-Europe Agendas For Sustainable Development,†which summarises the proceedings of the successfully concluded Jakarta Conference, held in November 2005.
Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF-Indonesia)
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
The Swedish Environmental Secretariat in Asia (SENSA)