ASEF Unplugged: Conversations on the Arts in Asia and Europe
Why Should You Care About Cultural Policy?
Based on the mapping project conducted by the Mekong Cultural Hub with over 200 artists and cultural workers in the Mekong region in 2018, knowledge, understanding and interest in cultural policy are some of the key areas that need much improvement in the region. In the same study, artists revealed that they care deeply about the cultural diversity and identity of their respective countries. On a more practical level, concern for funding and international collaboration opportunities were unanimous. But why are so many artists & cultural workers uninterested in cultural policy? Why is there such disconnect between the issues they care about and cultural policy? Why should they care? How can they increase the influence & impact of their work on cultural policy?
In this 21st edition of ASEF Unplugged, a joint collaboration with Cambodian Living Arts, we gather 4 cultural professionals from the Mekong region from different fields of arts & culture. Join us for a stimulating conversation with these cultural practitioners as they share their experiences and explore how arts practitioners can shape or influence cultural policy, particularly in a region mired by bureaucracies that hinder meaningful dialogue between civil society and government.
When & Where:
Friday, 16 August 2019
Royal University of Fine Arts
Phnom Penh Cambodia
Do Huu Chi (Viet Nam), community art educator/facilitator
Nwet Kay Khine (Myanmar), arts manager
Reaksmey Yean (Cambodia), academic
Souliya Phoumivong (Lao PDR), artist and educator
Fatima Avila, Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)
To keep track of event updates, follow us on social media #ASEFculture and #ASEFunplugged
Other related events:
ASEF Unplugged-Phnom Penh follows the first edition of ASEF Roadschool, ASEF’s capacity-building/workshop series. This first training will be on the topic “Practical Approaches to Cultural Policy in the Mekong Region” on 14-15 Aug 2019 also in partnership with Cambodian Living Arts.