In the resolution of conflicts, peace negotiations and agreements are necessary for lasting peace. However, co-ordinated and participatory post-conflict reconstruction efforts are required to ensure that the peace process does not revert to conflict.
The fifth instalment of the Asia-Europe Roundtable brought together 40 Asian and European experts in post-conflict reconstruction, including former Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (SR-SG) to Kosovo Soeren Jessen-Petersen and former UN SR-SG to Timor-Leste Ambassador Sukehiro Hasegawa, as well as peace negotiators, reconstruction advisers, political figures, crisis management NGO representatives, democracy-building specialists, election observers, and specialised journalists.
A public panel with an audience of 120 launched the two-day discussions. The theme was “Negotiating An Irreversible End To Conflict: Are The Peace Agreements In Aceh And Northern Ireland Sustainable?†The panel was moderated by John Chalmers (Senior Editor, Reuters Singapore). The ASEF’s Governor for Indonesia, Ambassador Sastrohandoyo Wiryono, a former negotiator in the Aceh peace process, was also present to welcome the audience on behalf of the ASEF.
– Building the capacity of post-conflict governments for sustainable recovery by avoiding the parallel structures created by the “business†of post-conflict assistance.
– Phasing international assistance over a long period, as “a quick exit†may mean an arduous and costly return.
– Co-ordination and comprehensiveness, rather than fragmentation in the efforts by the international community.
Mr. Munawar Liza Zainal, Mayor of Sabang City, Aceh.
Prof. Radha Kumar, Director of Nelson Mandela Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution, New Delhi.
Mr. Pieter Feith, former Head of Mission of Aceh Monitoring Mission.
Mr. Sami Lahdensuo, Executive Director of Crisis Management Initiative, Helsinki.
Mr. Willie McCarter, former Chairman of the International Fund for Ireland.