This seminar was organised to coincide with the 5th ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, and as the sequel to the Asia-EU Journalists’ Seminar held in Brussels in May 2003. It brought together a diverse group of Asian and European journalists and enabled them to become familiar with the ASEM process and potential developments relating to Asia-Europe relations.
The following speakers were invited to share their views:
Mr. Chris Patten, EU Commissioner for External Relations: The newly adopted EU Strategy on partnership with Southeast Asia
Amb. Sastrohandoyo Wiryono ASEF Governor for Indonesia: Keynote address on the ASEM process and the various ways in which Asia and Europe could contribute to promoting long-term understanding between both regions
Ms. Emma Darwin, Spokeswoman of EU Commissioner for External Relations and Mr. Chris Patten: Overview of EU’s external relations policy
Mr. Tom Glaser, Head of Communications at the EU Delegation, Budapest: Current developments on the EU enlargement front
Mr. Lee Sun-Jin, Deputy Minister for Policy Planning and International Organisations, Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade: Developments between the two Koreas from a regional and a global security perspective
Amb. Vassilis Bontosoglou, EU ambassador in Singapore: Asia-EU trade relations and the WTO agenda in Cancun
Mr .Bambang Harymurti, Chief Editor, Tempo Magazine, Indonesia: The role of media in the emerging democratic nations