The 23rd Asia-Europe Lecture Tour was delivered by Kassie Neou, President of the Peace and Development Institute in Cambodia. The lecture focused on approaches of transitional justice in Cambodia and the present status of such a process. The talk addressed issues such as Cambodia’s unstable past, the genocide under the Khmer Rouge, the UN-brokered peace treaty and processes since 1985, as well as the general elections in 1993. Neou also discussed the impact of setting up the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia and other means or mechanisms available to address human rights abuses.
The Lecture Tour was hosted in five ASEM member countries and organised under the Asia-Europe Democratisation and Justice series, which focuses on countries in transition. The tour resulted in considerable public interest as well as media coverage, particularly in Hungary, Slovakia, and Romania.
Mr. Kassie Neou, President, Peace and Development Institute, Cambodia