Pointe to Point – The Third Asia-Europe Dance Forum is a post event publication of the 3rd Asia-Europe Dance Forum held from 6th to13th September, 2005, in Tokyo, Japan. Twenty two artists from Asia and Europe were confronted with specific issues on localism vis a vis globalism. The book is largely a pictorial representation of the participants as they explore the significance of dance as a medium of communication that reflects the constantly changing society. The DVD is the video documentation of this event where each artist presented his or her own realities and situation addressing what it means to be local, employing themes in contemporary dance and through collaborative artistic expressions. Readership: Dance professionals and students, arts and cultural managers, researchers and academics interested in contemporary dance.
This [document/publication] has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Community. The views expressed herein are those of [name of Beneficiary] and can therefore in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion or position of the European Commission, the Asia-Europe Foundation or ASEF’s partner organisations.