This paper explores the challenges facing the newspaper industry in Asia and Europe, and is based on the 7th ASEF Editors’ Roundtable organised by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), and held in conjunction with the 10th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM10)2 Summit in Milan, Italy, in October 2014. The news industry faces unprecedented uncertainty and upheaval. The rise of the internet – alongside developments in news aggregation, online search and social media – has transformed how news is produced, distributed and accessed. It has had a profound impact on the economics of the industry. Advertising revenue for European newspapers has declined dramatically in recent years, and in Asia a similar downturn seems likely soon. Although the challenges facing the media are global, there are regional and country-specific issues. The combination of European technology and Asia’s growing markets suggests there is potential for greater engagement between journalists in Europe and Asia. Already, many Asian newspapers run articles by European newspapers. On the other hand, the rising international prominence of Asian powers such as China means that European newspapers are also likely to devote more attention to Asia.