This CD features the live recording of the I’mPULSE GOL gala concert, held at the Daghdha Space in Limerick, Ireland, on 16th November 2005. The CD is the outcome of the I’mPULSE, 2nd Asia-Europe Music Camp, organised from 10th to 16th November, 2005 at the Irish Academy of Music and Dance, University of Limerick. The performances by young and talented participants from Asia and Europe attract any one interested in music developments of both regions. Dr. John Purser, United Kingdom, and Dr. Tan Quang Hai, Vietnam, facilitated this exchange of voices in staging this performance.
This [document/publication] has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Community. The views expressed herein are those of [name of Beneficiary] and can therefore in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion or position of the European Commission, the Asia-Europe Foundation or ASEF’s partner organisations.