Mis/understanding was the basic theme for the 2nd Asia-Europe Dance Forum 2004 held from 21st to 28th November 2004, in Berlin, Germany. The aim was to recognise and study mis-communications to better understand. The Eurasia: Second Asia-Europe Dance Forum is the post event publication of this event. It includes brief commentary on the dance forum by the dance curators and dance critic involved, as well as feedback and comments from the participants. The attached DVD is a reflection by filmmaker Sherman Ong on the 2nd Asia-Europe Dance Forum.Readership: Dance professionals and students, arts and cultural managers, researchers and academics.
This [document/publication] has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Community. The views expressed herein are those of [name of Beneficiary] and can therefore in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion or position of the European Commission, the Asia-Europe Foundation or ASEF’s partner organisations.