Traditionally, energy security has been defined as adequate, affordable and reliable supplies of energy. This book presents the different perspectives on energy security of European and Asian countries as well as the regional perspectives.
Within this context, it explains Russian energy nationalism, the reasons for the failure of EU common energy policies, the shortcomings in the European Commission’s approaches, the lack of strategy for pipelines, and the deficiencies in policies towards central Asia.
In the case of Asia, the book explains Chinese energy diplomacy, Japanese dependencies and objectives, the possibility of energy competition and co-operation in Northeast Asia and ASEAN’s new strategies for energy security. The increasing importance of nuclear energy in Asia is also emphasised.
Finally, the book presents different approaches to human security in Asia and Europe. It is edited by Dr. Antonio Marquina, Chair in International Security and Co-operation at the Faculty of Political Science, Complutense University, Madrid. Dr. Marquina is the Coordinator of the AEH Thematic Network on Human Security.
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