Asia – Catalyst for Global Economic Integration
by Goh Chok Tong -
The International Role of the Euro. Its Impact on Economic Relations between Asia and Europe
by Eugenio Domingo Solans -
EU-Asian Relations in the Media. A Practitioner’s View
by Matthew Saltmarsh
Original paper
Dimensions of Asia-Europe Cooperation
by Yeo Lay Hwee -
Japan-EU Relations after EU Enlargement
by Michael Reiterer -
The Wounded Bear and the Rising Dragon. Sino-Russian Relationship at the Beginning of the 21st Century: A View from Europe
by Frank Umbach -
Vietnam’s Integration into the Global Economy. Achievements and Challenges
by Uwe Schmidt -
War on Terror. Islam and the Imperative of Democracy
by Rizal Sukma -
Regional Integration and the Individualism/Collectivism Dichotomy
by Luk Van Langenhove -
The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. In Need of a Better Performance?
by Heribert Dieter -
Challenges to Multilateralism Free Trade Agreements
by Tan Song Chuan
Book review
Resistance to Nation States: Democracies and the Challenges of Globalisation, by Samy Cohen
by Arnaud d’Andurain -
(1) The Guerilla Dynasty. Politics and Leadership in North Korea, by Adrian Buzo, (2) North Korea Though the Looking Glass, by Kongdan Oh and Ralph C. Hassig and (3) North Korea Under Communism. Report of an Envoy to Paradise, by Erik Cornell
by Albrecht Rothacher -
Li Ka-Shing. Hong Kong’s Elusive Billionaire, by Anthony B. Chan Hong Kong
by Albrecht Rothacher -
Sony. The Private Life, by John Nathan
by Albrecht Rothacher -
Hello Kitty. The Remarkable Story of Sanrio and the Billion Dollar Feline Phenomenon, by Ken Belson and Brian Bremner
by Albrecht Rothacher -
Raffles Lessons in Business Leadership, by Paul Madden
by Albrecht Rothacher
Further information is available on the Asia Europe Journal Website