- Trust and Governance for a New Era
by Mahathir Bin Mohamad - Will Europe’s Past be Asia’s Future?
by Ulrich Niemann - The “United States of Asia”. A Possibility Today?
by Simin Tan - An Asian Union – Limitations, Options and Constraints
by Justin Tai Wei Chuen
Original paper
- New Regionalism(s) in the Global Political Economy. Conceptual Understanding in Historical Perspective
by Shaun Breslin and Richard Higgott - Sub-regionalism, Regionalism, Trans-regionalism. Implications for Economic Integration and International Trade Policies
by Joongi Kim - The Challenge of Institution-building in Asia and its Implications for Asia-Europe Relations
by Fukunari Kimura - EU Enlargement and the Rise of Asian FTAs: Implications for Asia-Europe Relations
by John Lawrence Avila - From Inter-regionalism to Trans-regionalism? Future Challenges for ASEM
by Christopher M. Dent - Inter-regionalism in International Relations: Comparing APEC and ASEM
by Hanns W. Maull and Nuria Okfen - Russia’s Economic and Strategic Interests in North-East Asia
by Gennady Chufrin - Towards a New European Taiwan Policy? Some Preliminary Reflexions
by Gunter Schubert - The Emergence of Regional Economies in China and its Implications, with Special Reference to Hong Kong and Guangdong
by Robert Ash
Book review
- The Asian Development Model. Economic Growth, Institutional Failure and the Aftermath of the Crisis, by Frank-Jurgen Richter
by Albrecht Rothacher - The Coming Collapse of China, by Gordon G. Chang
by Albrecht Rothacher - China’s Century. The Awakening of the Next Economic Powerhouse, by Laurence J. Brahm
by Albrecht Rothacher - China – Eine Weltmacht Kehrt Zurueck, by Konrad Seitz
by Albrecht Rothacher
Further information is available on the Asia Europe Journal Website