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ASEF eNewsletter – December 2011

ASEF eNewsletter


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December 2011                    so much to share

 10th Asia-Europe Classroom Network Conference in Dundalk, Ireland

“There is no better way to help our students become global citizens than by giving them the chance to learn and work alongside other children from around the world.”

– Mr Ruarí Quinn TD, Irish Minister for Education and Skills


On becoming global citizens

Over 100 teachers and students from Asia and Europe participated during the 10th Asia-Europe Classroom Network (AEC-NET) Conference in Dundalk, Ireland (7-11 November 2011). They shared many creative ideas on how they have been using innovative information and communication technologies (ICT) in their classrooms. More…

ASEF-ASAP workshop on Preparedness for Pandemics and Public Health Emergencies in Budapest, Hungary

Air transport sector prepares for pandemics

ASEF is organising a workshop on Preparedness for Pandemics and Public Health Emergencies in the Passenger Air Transport Sector (15-16 Dec 2011; Budapest, Hungary). More…

 Learning from the crisis: How can Asia and Europe respond to future financial and economic crises

Paths through the crisis

The Europe-Asia Policy Forum, ASEF and  and the European Policy Centre will jointly organise a public briefing Paths through the crisis (2 Dec 2011; Brussels), where major developments in financial integration in Asia and Europe will be discussed. More…

 2nd Asia-Europe Rectors' Conference in Korea

ASEM Rectors to meet in 2012 

The 3rd Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Rectors’ Conference (Sep 2012; The Netherlands) will focus on university-business cooperation as well as the universities’ stakeholder engagement, and will gather university leaders and higher education experts from ASEM countries. More…

Regional Security 

Can existing regional security structures address current and emerging security challenges in Asia and Europe? ASEF and the Europe-Asia Policy Forum, will address this issue at a public briefing Improving Regional Security Architectures through an Asia-Europe Strategic Partnership (13th Dec 2011; Brussels). More…

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Pakistani new media

ASEF commissioned a recent research New Media in Pakistan, offering insights into the development of new media art forms with scope for more exchanges and collaborations in the field. The study is available online on ASEF’s arts and culture portal  More…

10th Informal ASEM Seminar on Human Rights in Prague, Czech Republic

Human rights dialogue

The 11th Informal ASEM Seminar on Human Rights (23-25 Nov 2011; Prague, Czech Republic) engaged over 100 members of civil society and government from across Asia and Europe and discussed National and Regional Human Rights Mechanisms. More…

 Asia in the Eyes of Europe

Asia in European media

Over 100 high level media professionals interviewed across Europe as part of the ASEF study “Asia in the Eyes of Europe”. The findings of this research were presented and anlaysed at a meeting  hosted by the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (26-27 Sep 2011; Vienna, Austria). More…

Asia-Europe Environment Forum (ENVforum)


An ‘Idea box’ for development

Various organisations, government and intergovernmental bodies contributed to the UN “idea box” in November 2011 at the Asia-Europe Environment Forum (ENVforum). These submissions will form the basis of a declaration of decisions at the “Rio+20” Summit. More…

ASEF Governor for Singapore named Fellow of the Singapore National Academy of Science 

Prof Leo Tan Wee Hin, ASEF Governor for Singapore, was named Fellow of the Singapore National Academy of Science on 24 Nov 2011. This fellowship title emulates the Royal Society Fellowship in Britain and titles given by the national Academy of Sciences in the United States of America. More…

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Educators examine technology

Irish newspaper ‘The Argus’ featured the 10th Asia-Europe Classroom Network (AECNET) Conference entitled ‘Apps in Asian and European Classrooms! Unleashing Educational Creativity’ in Dundalk, Ireland from 7-11 Nov 2011.More… 

Social causes attract young volunteers from abroad

Indian newspaper ‘The Times of India’ featured the 10th Asia-Europe Young Volunteers’ Exchange: Health on Stage (20 Aug – 1 Oct 2011; India). More…

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ASEF’s publication Mapping Cultural Diversity – Good Practices from Around the Globe was presented at the international conference Activating the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity in Johannesburg, South Africa (20 October 2011).

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Shared heritage

The photo and video exhibition Shared Heritage: As we see it, curated by the 17th ASEF University (AU17) participants, will travel to various ASEM countries in 2011 and 2012. It will be first staged in Budapest, Hungary Dec 2011), and is scheduled to travel to the ASEM Culture Ministers’ Meeting in Yogyakarta in 2012.

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Call for facilitator: 3rd Asia-Europe Education Workshop

If you are a national of an ASEM country with an expertise on education, training, and employment (background on entrepreneurship education will be an advantage) and proven abilities to contribute to and work in an intercultural context, ASEF invites you to be part of our Workshop team.

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Paths through the crisis: Can enhanced financial integration provide the way forward for Asia and Europe

02 DEC 2011

Brussels, Belgium


Strategy Development Workshop on Preparedness for Pandemics and Public Health Emergencies in the Passenger Air Transport Sector

15-16 DEC 2011

Budapest, Hungary

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The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) promotes greater mutual understanding between Asia and Europe through intellectual, cultural and people-to-people exchanges. Through ASEF, civil society concerns are included as a vital component of deliberations of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). ASEF was established in February 1997 by the participating governments of ASEM and has since implemented over 500 projects, engaging over 15,000 direct participants as well as reaching out to a much wider audience in Asia and Europe.


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