This is ASEF’s special publication dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). It is a collection of articles by leaders and experts from Asia and Europe on the past, present and future of ASEM. Selected articles from this collection are compiled and published as a book by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), which was launched at the 11th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM11) Summit in 2016 in Mongolia.
This publication is financially supported by the Japanese Trust Fund.
Published articles are listed below:
The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM): A Bridge between East and West
by Mr GOH Chok Tong, Former Prime Minister of Singapore
The Beginning and Future of ASEM: The Potential of the Silk Road Project and the AIIB
by Mr Romano PRODI, Former President of the European Commission
Building on 20 years of ASEM: Expanding Connectivity and Inclusion
by Mr Ch. SAIKHANBILEG, Prime Minister of Mongolia
Building a Joint Future for ASEM: View from Kazakhstan
by Mr Erlan IDRISSOV, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Economic and Social Significance of Creativity
by Ms Jet BUSSEMAKER, Minister of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands
Connectivity: Shaping the Future of ASEM
by Mr ZENG Peiyan, President of China Center for International Economic Exchanges
Connectivity as the Key Feature of ASEM’s Third Decade
by Mr Jean ASSELBORN, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Luxembourg
Role of Culture and the Arts for the Promotion of Mutual Understanding and Development between Asia and Europe
by Mr KIM Jongdeok, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Republic of Korea
20 Years of Asia-Europe Meeting from 1996 to 2016: An Active Partnership – Ready for the Next Decades
by Mr Frank-Walter STEINMEIER, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Germany
Japan’s Initiative for the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM)
by Mr Fumio KISHIDA, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Japan
Sweden’s Contribution to the ASEM Informal Seminar on Human Rights
by Ms Margot WALLSTRÖM, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sweden
Making Employability Work: Indonesia’s Experience
by Mr Anies BASWEDAN, Minister of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia
Reflections on ASEF
by Professor Tommy KOH, Ambassador-At-Large, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore and Ms Peggy KEK, Former Director of Public Affairs, Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)
Enhancing a Comprehensive Asia-Europe Partnership in the 21st Century
by Mr PHAM Binh Minh, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Viet Nam
The Asia-Europe Meeting on its 20th Anniversary
by Mr Jean-Marc AYRAULT, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, France
The Future of ASEM and its Vision for the 21st Century
by Mr Nikos KOTZIAS, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic, Greece