The 2nd ASEF Higher Education Innovation Laboratory (ASEFInnoLab2) on Universities’ Role in Advancing AI Innovation Ecosystems brought together 39 university managers from 22 countries across Asia and Europe.
The 6-week project supported participants in their development of Action Plans to advance their universities’ role in AI innovation ecosystems. To further enhance the process, additional elements to the project were introduced: Mentors and Action Sessions.
In addition to the weekly “Pioneering Sessions” wherein experts would speak on specific topics and where participants were required to attend, the “Action Sessions” was added to the project. The weekly “Action Sessions” were held on a separate day from the Pioneering Session and was attended on a voluntary basis. These Action Sessions were small group meetings dedicated to facilitating collaboration and knowledge exchange amongst participants. Additionally, participants received guidance from the Mentors during these Action Sessions.
As a result of the learning journey, 26 participants developed action plans which are featured in the ASEFInnoLab Summary of Action Plans. On the last day of the project, were given the opportunity to present an elevator pitch. This exercise helps participants consolidate ideas, facilitate reflection on the intellectual journey, and prepares them for engaging their constituents and stakeholders to take action on their plans.
We are proud to present 26 Action Plans developed by the participants. Gain insights and be inspired by their ideas on how they will advance their universities’ role in AI Innovation Ecosystems.
Click Here To Read the Summary of Action Plans
To learn more about ASEFInnLab2, click here.