The Asia-Europe Environment Forum (ENVforum) has launched a research study to be conducted by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (Switzerland), Earth Council Asia-Pacific (Philippines) and Public Strategy for Sustainable Development (Belgium). This research will be in collaboration with the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES – Japan), which will also contribute its expertise to the project.
The research objective is to identify the best practices on sustainable development. The finding will also propose possible options for further creation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as potential Sustainable Development Indicators (SDIs) based on existing national experiences.
The research team will work closely with ASEF, through the ENVforum, to outline the scope of the research. This will include the identification of existing SDG-related mechanisms to build on, which specific goals and metrics to focus on, as well as other key developments in the area.
The selected ASEM countries for this research are Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, and Republic of Korea on the Asian side and France, Germany, Hungary, Sweden, and Switzerland on the European side. ASEF will also work on mapping the case of Poland and Singapore.
The research work is scheduled to be finalised in June 2013.