Contributed by: Alexandra Graff (AU17 Participant, Budapest)
First of all I would say, the programme, the participants, the organisers and every moment of 17th ASEF University (AU17) made it one of the
most exciting experience in my life.
It was an honour to have worked and cooperated with the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) through its People-to-People Exchange (P2P) Department on having Budapest as the first destination of the travelling exhibition.
It was so encouraging to get that much support from Mr Joel Bassig and ASEF for the logistics and overall management of the exhibition, and special attention from the embassies of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) countries in Hungary, as well as the support of the Hungarian media.
When I saw and held those pictures again in my hands, I relived the experience and the time when I was in Malaysia with my AU17 friends. It was great that Petko Karadechev (AU17, Bulgaria) could open the exhibition, and that Lucia Simaskova (AU17, Slovakia) took the time to visit. Our small reunion made us feel as though we were transported back to Penang – at the very place were our friendship began.
It was not just the 3 of us there. The presence of those who were involved in putting this exhibition together was greatly felt in the halls of Vizrakter – through their thoughts written on small pieces of paper, their work, and their creativity. Moreover, my sincerest gratitude goes to Vizrakter for generously welcoming the exhibition with open arms.
It was most rewarding to hear that the visitors, who had no background knowledge on the programme and its aim, have had very similar opinions and feelings as we had. This is a great confirmation for all of us that the exhibition has indeed faithfully conveyed the message of how we – 41 participants from 31 countries – see Shared Heritage.
Disclaimer: The contents of this article are the sole responsibility of the author and can not in any circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF).
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