The financial and economic crisis has created a climate of global uncertainty and vulnerability. This has had different impacts on Asia and Europe. To alleviate the effects of the crisis, the two regions need to strengthen cooperation.
The Europe-Asia Policy Forum (EUforAsia), the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), and the European Policy Centre (EPC), will jointly organise a public briefing Paths through the crisis in Brussels (2nd December 2011). Experts from the field including Dr John Ryan from the London School of Economics, D. Zsolt Darvas from Bruegel, Prof Marjan Svetlicic from the University of Ljubljana and Dr Liming Wang from the University College Dublin will participate in this briefing. They will discuss major developments in financial integration in Asia and Europe.
There will be expert analysis on the latest measures to address the Eurozone crisis. The briefing also will discuss the issue of internationalising the Renminbi. The future for greater East-Asian cooperation will also be discussed in length.
A policy brief based on the outcomes of a workshop on The Impact of the Crisis on Regional Economic and Financial Integration in Asia and Europe will also be presented at the briefing.