The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) of India will host the 29th ASEF Board of Governors’ Meeting. It will take place in New Delhi, India (11-13 October 2012).
The Board of Governors (BOG) is responsible for reviewing ASEF’s strategic directions to ensure its alignment with the ASEM priorities. The Board is also responsible for ASEF’s financial and managerial issues, as well as for approving ASEF’s upcoming projects.
Ambassador Roland Van Remoortele (Belgium) will be the next Chairman of the Board for 2013. He will succeed Ambassador Soemadi Brotodiningrat (Indonesia). During the Meeting, the Asian group of Governors will elect the next Vice-Chairman of the Board for 2013.
The Board will also welcome the new members of ASEF’s management team – Mr Karsten Warnecke (Germany), Deputy Executive Director, and Mr Thierry Schwarz (France), Director for Intellectual Exchange department. Mr Warnecke assumed office on 1 August 2012. Mr Schwarz commenced his term on 1 October 2012.
The BOG will be preceded by the Finance & Audit Committee (FAC) Meeting and the Executive Committee (ExCo) Meeting in New Delhi (9 October and 10 October 2012 respectively).
The last BOG took place in Singapore (May 2012).