[Photo: ASEF Deputy Executive Director Ambassador Nguyen Quoc Khanh and Ms Christine Antorini, Danish Minister for Children and Education]
The Learning Unlimited Forum successfully concluded on 30 May, a milestone in the EU Presidency of the Danish Government. The forum was attended by representatives from higher education institutions, policy and decision-makers, university researchers and NGOs from Asia and Europe.
In her welcome message, Danish Minister for Children and Education Ms Christine Antorini outlined the importance of lifelong learning as a necessary step to move on from the economic crisis. “The recovery will be driven by changes in production, trade and logistics. Societies who respond by running efficient lifelong learning systems and foster work place learning will pave their way through the crisis quicker and more smoothly than those who do not,” she said.
The Forum was organised by the ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning (ASEM LLL Hub) based at the Danish School of Education (Aarhus University) with the support of the Danish and Korean Governments and the Asia Europe Foundation. For more details about the Forum, please visit http://asemforum2012.dk/