The ASEF Public Health Network, in collaboration with the Yuchengco Center of De La Salle University, organised the 2nd Research Exchange Workshop and Public Briefing on ‘Bringing the Migrant Health Discourse into Policy’ in Makati City, The Philippines (28-29 November 2012).
The two-day workshop provided an excellent opportunity for information exchange and dialogue on migration and health between both European and Asian stakeholders. Participating researchers and representatives from the governmental institutions presented cases from their respective ASEM countries. These included the cases that so far have not been much addressed such as the – Polish migrants in Norway, Vietnamese migrants in Poland, internal migrants in China and migrants in Korea.
Researchers currently conducting the ASEF Public Health Network’s 2nd joint research, ‘The Nature and Magnitude of the Costs of Exclusion of Documented and Undocumented Migrants from Health Care’, also took part in the workshop. These researchers from Austria, Singapore and Hong Kong SAR presented their preliminary research findings and also engaged participants in a constructive discussion on their study’s theoretical as well as methodological approaches.
On the evening of 28 November 2012, a public briefing was organised to highlight the research findings of ASEF-commissioned 1st joint research, ‘The Health Dimension of Southeast Asian Migration to Europe’. The Abridged Report from the joint research was also launched during the briefing.
This research was led by Dr Trinidad Osteria (Yuchengco Center, The Philippines) and Dr Daniela Carrillo (Fondazione ISMU, Italy). At the Makati briefing they presented some highlights from their study mentioning the major public health challenges faced by Chinese and Philippine migrants in Italy and Spain. They also emphasised the development of migrant-friendly policy in host countries and strengthening co-operation between sending and receiving countries.
Presentations were followed by a panel discussion, where Prof Li Ling (China), Prof Jose Maria Arcadio C. Malbarosa (The Philippines), Dr Tona Lizana (Spain) and Ms Valentina Nigrotti (Italy), exchanged their views based on their field experiences.
Click here to download the Abridged Report