Passionate about collaborative learning, intercultural exchanges and educational technology? If you are secondary, vocational or high school teacher from one of the 51 ASEM partner countries, apply to participate in the latest ASEF Classroom Network (ASEF ClassNet) Conference!
The 13th ASEF ClassNet Conference on the theme, “Theory Meets Practice: Teacher Training in the Digital Era” will be held on 8–11 September 2017 in Zug, Switzerland, in conjunction with the Research Conference by the ASEM Education and Research Hub for Lifelong Learning (ASEM LLL Hub) and the World Education Leadership Symposium by the Institute for the Management and Economics of Education (IBB), University of Teacher Education Zug (PH Zug). The unique conference brings together researchers, teacher-trainers, and teachers to identify actions to respond collaboratively to the challenges and opportunities arising from advancing educational technology.
Teacher-participants will benefit from:
• Expert talks and panel discussions on teacher training and its relationship with technology;
• Practical workshops and training sessions for actively using technology in education;
• Case studies of the most outstanding ASEF Online Collaborations completed over the last year;
• Presentation of the results of an ASEF ClassNet-wide survey on technology in education.
Check out the Open Call for Applications, or follow the ASEFEdu Facebook page for updates.
The organisers will cover all local costs related to the conference (including 3 nights’ accommodation, meals and local transport).
The conference is co-organised by ASEF, ASEM LLL Hub and Institute for the Management and Economics of Education of the University of Teacher Education Zug, Switzerland.
Application Deadline: Monday, 31 July 2017, 23.59 GMT.