Ensuring food safety is a growing challenge in both Asia and Europe. It is in the mutual interests of the two regions to strengthen cooperation and coordination in tackling this common problem.
Against this background, the ASEM Food Safety Week Seminar: Promoting Cooperation and Coordination will take place on 6-7 November 2014 in Changsha, Hunan Province, China. It is co-organised by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and Changsha People’s Government, in partnership with the ASEF University Alumni Network (ASEFUAN) and supported by the Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF).
This two-day event will gather hundreds of representatives of government agencies, industry associations, enterprises, and academia from Asian and European ASEM countries. The specific topics to be discussed include national food safety policies, market access standards, supervision and management expertise, experience and challenges in enhancing food safety and new technologies applied, amongst others.
During the Seminar, some ASEM members will hold country forum to share their practices in promoting food safety while developing food industries. In addition, there will be a training session focused on international food safety certification system. Besides, the event will provide opportunities for showcasing food production technologies and developing collaboration.
The Seminar will conclude with visits to local food safety-related enterprises and industrial parks.