ASEF’s Executive Director, Ambassador ZHANG Yan, presented the contributions of ASEF to the ASEM Education Process at the 5th ASEM Education Ministers’ Meeting (ASEM ME5) on 26 April 2015 in Riga, Latvia.
“ASEF has been involved in and contributing to the developments and the progress of the ASEM Education Process since its inception,” says Ambassador ZHANG. “Since 1997, ASEF has organised more than 200 activities under its education project portfolio. Through our work, we share and expand knowledge, create sustainable networks, connect the civil society with the ASEM process, and promote educational cooperation within ASEM.”
The ASEM Education Process was launched in 2008 with the 1st ASEM Education Ministers’ Meeting (ASEM ME1) held in Berlin, Germany. It actively engages all ASEM members at both political and stakeholder levels through the Ministerial and Senior Officials’ Meetings, as well as concrete initiatives, activities, and cooperation projects involving actors and stakeholders from various sectors. Since ASEM ME3, the ASEM Education Process has mainly focused on 4 priority areas: 1) Quality Assurance and Recognition, 2) Engaging Business and Industry in Education, 3) Balanced Mobility, and 4) Life-Long Learning, including Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).
ASEF has been actively contributing to the ASEM Education Process and responding to the priorities set at the ASEM Education Ministers’ Meetings through its education portfolio, which currently consists of the Education Policy Programme and the Young Leaders Programme.
Among the various contributions ASEF has made, a unique and significant component is the policy recommendations produced by the 4th ASEM Rectors’ Conference (ARC4) and Students’ Forum. These recommendations were jointly developed by more than 100 university leaders and representatives of different sectors from 43 ASEM member countries as well as by 51 students representing all 51 ASEM countries.