Effective communication is a primary basis of the art of diplomacy. Being able to draw on different perspectives and fully understand the sensibilities of the interlocutor are skills that complement the able diplomat. In this perspective, ASEF in collaboration with the DiploFoundation (Switzerland) and the National Centre for Research on Europe at the University of Canterbury (New Zealand) launched the, Asia-Europe Public Diplomacy Training Initiative, a two-and-a-half year programme to help to promote and facilitate training for young diplomats engaged in public diplomacy campaigns. The aim of the initiative is to improve public diplomacy efforts between the countries of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) process.
The overall objective of the project is to improve knowledge and skills to promote deeper understanding between Asia and Europe, while specifically aiming to produce toolkits, training materials, and face-to-face training sessions for newer generations of digitally-engaged diplomats. Online courses will facilitate remote participation. Furthermore, the initiative will utilise the findings of ASEF’s existing dual perceptions studies, EU through the Eyes of Asia and Asia in the Eyes of Europe. The materials of the training programme will benefit from the insights offered by the studies from the vast amount of information collected looking at how the EU is seen across Asia and vice versa.
Photo Credit: Photography by Vivian Hertz and Bruegel