The 7th ASEMUS General Conference (15-17 March 2017, New Delhi, India) is the pilot project supported by Mobility First! – ASEF Cultural Mobility Initiative, a new fund which will be launched to support the movement of Asian and European artists and cultural professionals in Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) partner countries.
In partnership with the National Museum – New Delhi (India), the National Museum Institute (India), & the Asia-Europe Museum Network (ASEMUS), ASEF has funded the mobility of 6 heritage experts to speak at panel discussions & 3 young museum professionals to attend trainings at the conference.
Titled Engaged Museums: Technology, Access and New Audiences, the conference focused on key issues including accessibility in museums, emerging experiences in community and audience engagement, the role of regional museums in fostering local development, and the uses of technology in museums.
By enabling the mobility of the selected experts & participants to the ASEMUS General Conference, ASEF continues its long tradition of promoting mutual understanding between the peoples of Asia and Europe through collaborative museum-based cultural activities.
Mobility First! – ASEF Cultural Mobility Initiative will officially launch an open call on 6th April for artists, cultural professionals, & arts organisations throughout the ASEM region.