Default13 is a masterclass and residency in Lecce (Italy), which addresses key questions on the role of cultural initiatives and government policies in revitalising urban centres. It will take place between 17-26 September 2013. It is a project conceptualised and organised by Arthub Asia (China) and RAMDOM Association (Italy) and supported through ASEF’s programme Creative Encounters: Cultural Partnerships between Asia and Europe .
Default13 comprises a masterclass in residence and six international collateral events. The activities will lead to the proposals of artistic urban regeneration and a publication.
Default13 is the second edition of Default, which was launched in 2011.For the open call running from 28 March to 26 May 2013, applicants are asked the following question: “What is next in art, cities and regeneration?” Eighteen artists (9 from Asia and 9 from Europe) will be selected as participants. The call for applications is currently open until 26 May. See website for details.
Prior to the masterclass, six public events will be organised in six different cities across Asia and Europe. These events will address current practices adopted by contemporary art fields in Asia and the interplay with their European equivalent. In September, the residents will concentrate on their research through intensive workshops and seminars over ten days. They will work to expand their networks and exchange know-how with the support of a residency curator. They will also have the opportunity to meet international curators, artists, art managers and representatives of cultural organisations from both Europe and Asia. They will be led by curator, producer, director and founder of the collaborative production lab Arthub Asia, Davide QUADRIO (China), and director of the art association RAMDOM, Paolo MELE (Italy).
Following the masterclass, the participants will submit their proposals. A selected few will be produced by RAMDOM and the artspace Manifatture Knos (Lecce, Italy), and a publication showcasing the processes and works will also be released.
The project seeks to build a bridge between Asia and Europe, by involving artists and professionals from diverse backgrounds. A series of activities will enable the development of concepts that open up new possibilities for visual arts in the context of urban environments.