Sustainable Development Goals and Indicators for a Small Planet: Securing Means of Implementation in Poland is the product of a research project coordinated by the Asia-Europe Environment Forum (ENVforum). The study focuses on challenges related to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Poland around 3 thematic areas: poverty and inequality, sustainable agriculture, and energy and climate change.
A 3-step process is used to assess the potentialities of implementing SDGs in the 3 aforementioned thematic areas in Poland. First, the study maps Poland’s governance and policy-framework to review existing mechanisms for SDGs’ implementation. It then evaluates the existing institutional arrangements and key policies to assess how Poland could continue working on the 3 themes as part of the global SDGs’ implementation process. The final step takes a more detailed analysis of the gaps between Poland’s current state and the SDGs, also considering the sub-goal statements under each thematic area.
The publication aims to support ASEM countries in implementing and monitoring SDGs by offering a selection of thematic case studies based on practical experiences and strategic guidance for national-level implementation of SDGs.