About 200 university leaders, government and business representatives as well as students from all ASEM partners meet on 4-8 April 2016 in Prague, the Czech Republic for the 5th ASEM Rectors’ Conference and Students’ Forum (ARC5) on “Employability: Asia and Europe Prepare the New Generation”. This 5th edition sees the greatest diversity in Asia-Europe representation thus far.
With the objective to jointly develop Policy Recommendations for the upcoming 6th ASEM Education Ministers’ Meeting (ASEM ME6) in 2017 in Korea, the participants discuss topics such as the skills gap challenge and rapid changes in the labour market. They also explore the roles, which universities and businesses play alongside governments in better preparing the new generation for their future career.
Representing the ASEM ME6 host country, Professor LEE Young, Vice-Minister of Education of the Republic of Korea will receive the Policy Recommendations developed by the different stakeholders over the course of ARC5.
ARC5 has attracted keynote speakers from the highest government and business levels including Mr Pavel BÉLOBRÁDEK, Deputy Prime Minister, Science, Research and Innovation of the Czech Republic; HE Dr Lubomír ZAORALEK, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic; Mr Alain DEHAZE, CEO of the Adecco Group; Mr Hun LEE, CEO of Samsung Electronics in the Czech Republic and Slovakia; and Mr Mel CARVILL, Member of the Board of Directors of the Czech company Home Credit, B.V.
ARC5 is co-organised by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and Charles University in Prague with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. Home Credit B.V., Samsung, the International Association of Universities, the ASEAN University Network, the European Students’ Union and the Erasmus Student Network contribute as supporters.