The 2nd Annual Sustainable Development Transition Forum (SDTF) took place on 17-19 November 2015 in Incheon, Korea and was hosted by the United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD). At this event, the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)’s Asia-Europe Environment Forum (ENVforum) co-organised the International Workshop on Guidance for Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This workshop brought in experts and policy-makers involved in sustainable development to discuss challenges related to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Opening remarks at the workshop included a speech from Mr YOON Jong Soo, Head of the United Nations Office for Sustainable Development, who said, “This is an ideal time to be hosting this Forum with the historic agreement made by nation states in the 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Summit, and the upcoming agreement in COP21 in December 2015.” Mr SUNG Soo Jun, Vice Mayor of the Incheon Metropolitan City, stated, “Today will provide a momentum for all of us and the international community to tackle environmental issues and promote sustainable development.” Ms Grazyna PULAWSKA, Project Manager of the Political and Economic Department, Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF), stressed, “Sustainable development is something that we will implement together, step by step.”
The ENVforum has actively cooperated with UNOSD in the SDTF since its inception in 2012. At the event in Korea, the ENVforum contributed to the International Workshop on Guidance for Implementing The 2030 Agenda and SDGsand discussed guidance for mainstreaming the 2030 Agenda into national development plans and tailoring SDGs to national contexts. These contexts included guidance on financing and governance issues related to SDG implementation. The workshop also featured the UN’s new MAPS strategy for Mainstreaming, Acceleration and Policy Support.
Members of the ENVforum, Ms Dora ALMASSY, Researcher, Central European University, and Ms PULAWSKA from ASEF, presented the research results included in its latest publication, Who will Pay for Sustainable Development Goals? Addressing Development Challenges in ASEM Countries.