Political and economic developments in the last 2 years have put enormous pressure on the global arena. Prospects vary significantly across Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Partners, with emerging Asia on the one hand and European uncertainty on the other. These differing outlooks are aggravated by the proliferation of protectionism in the United States and populist movements across the world.
In line with these current developments, the Centre for East Asian Studies (CEAS)-Korea University will host the 14th Asia Europe Economic Forum (AEEF), organised by the AEEF consortium partners, on the theme, “Prospects for the Asia-Europe economic cooperation” on 20-21 September 2017, in conjunction with the 7th ASEM Economic Minister Meeting (ASEM EMM7).
The programme is designed to elaborate new strategies and exchange ideas for a strong and prospering ASEM region. Sessions throughout the 2-day Conference will focus on macroeconomic policy coordination as well as trade and investment, which are most important to a thriving economy. Relevant topics such as climate change and energy, the 4th industrial revolution, and digital connectivity will also be discussed.
As the AEEF will be held in conjunction with the ASEM EMM7, the AEEF consortium partners are inviting the Economic Ministers to contribute to the 14th AEEF for a broad-based policy response to enhance secure growth and overcome vulnerabilities. The conclusions of the 14th AEEF will be shared during the ASEM EMM7.