The Asia-Europe Environment Forum (ENVforum) conducted a research project to identify the methodology based on existing best practices in sustainable development with particular relevance for the creation of sustainable development goals (SDGs). Specifically, the project proposed options for the creation of SDGs as well as possible sustainable development indicators (SDIs) based on experiences both at national and international levels.
Specifically, the research was:
- examine national strategies for (sustainable) development / green growth or similar plans and strategies and their monitoring and evaluation tools in selected ASEM countries;
- propose a set of SDGs and associated indicators based on country realities; and
- identify implementation challenges at a country level.
At the moment the Part 1 of the research was completed that consists of the methodology and illustrative goals for sustainable development.
The work on Part 1 was conducted for Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) by IISD-Europe (Switzerland, project leader), Earth Council Asia-Pacific (Philippines) and PublicStrategy for Sustainable Development (Belgium) in collaboration with the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (Japan), who contributed its expertise to the project.
The selected ASEM countries for this research were Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea in Asia and France, Germany, Hungary, Sweden, Switzerland in Europe. Additionally, ASEF was conducting research with focus on Poland and Singapore.
This research is a part of the 3-year programme “Sustainable Future: Goals for Asia and Europe” of the ENVforum. As a part of the research project ASEF representatives were taking part in the international meetings dedicated to the dialogue on Sustainable Development Goals.
The ENVforum is actively involved with UN consultations on SDGs, such as consultations related with the work of the High Level Panel of Eminent Persons and Open Working Group, and hope to channel to the outcomes of the research to UN General Assembly and post-2015 related processes. It also collaborates on the topic with the United Nations Office for Sustainable Development (UNOSD) and United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP).