The ASEMUS Preparatory Meeting will convene six directors of member museums to Singapore to lay out the framework for the Mapping of Asian Collections Project. The Project, which aims to map the members’ Asian collections, museum professionals’ expertise and on-going museum-related projects and engagements across Asia and Europe will fulfil ASEMUS’s mission to promote the sharing of collections and information.
The Mapping Project was first proposed at the Network’s 10th General Conference in Paris in September 2010. The initial phase will focus on the Mapping of Asian Collections. The Meeting will be led by the Chair, the musée du quai Branly and hosted by the new Secretariat of ASEMUS, the National Heritage Board of Singapore.
The Project will help strengthen the Network by encouraging more collaboration between the members and also motivate new museums to join.
Ultimately, the initiative will help increase the visibility and knowledge about Asian heritage in Asia and Europe – thus, increasing understanding and sharing of culture and cultural diversity.