#ABUdigital | 3-4 July 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ASEF is proud to contribute to strengthening the media industry in Asia and Europe – this time collaborating with the Asia-Pacfific Broadcasting Union (ABU) to promote #ABUDigital.
#ABUdigital is conceived as a meeting space for creative storytellers, online and web content creators and producers of audio, video and digital content among ABU members in addition to top industry experts in the digital field. This unique conference-slash-knowledge sharing event aspires to explore all things digital at the intersection where Technology meets Content and how it impacts broadcasters.
Split into 2 parts consisting of a digital experts forum and specialised workshops, this event will look deeper into everything digital from digital strategies to digital storytelling on a wide spectrum of genres and themes relevant to the broadcasting industry. From inspiring case studies to stimulating discussions and networking activities, delegates will learn about the latest digital trends, solutions and opportunities to work with other broadcasters and experts from Asia-Pacific and beyond.
About ABU
The Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) is the biggest broadcasting union in the world. Through its members’ network, the ABU can reach 3 billion people across the Asia–Pacific region. ABU promotes the collective interests of television and radio broadcasters as well as key industry players and facilitates regional and international media co-operation.
Official website: abu.org.my