The ASEF logo is the most important asset of the organisation. In this section you will find information regarding the logo and guidelines on its proper use.
ASEF’s 25th Anniversary logo draws inspiration from the complex puzzle of different cultures, languages, and histories across Asia and Europe. The pieces of the puzzle, represented in four different colours, highlight the intentional coming together of Asia and Europe for a common purpose, while preserving their individuality.
Above all, it represents equally beneficial cooperation. The logo is composed of three different elements.
At the top, the focus is placed on the timeline during which ASEF has made a continual effort to bring Asia and Europe together.
At the centre, the focus is placed on the numbers 2 and 5. The numbers intend to highlight the years ASEF has worked as an interface between Asia and Europe, advancing mutual understanding and cooperation. Each continent is represented in a number and coloured with the ASEF primary and secondary palettes accordingly. The blue and yellow in number 2 represent the European continent while the red and green in number 5 represent the Asian continent. These colours mirror ASEF’s logo and spirit.
At the bottom, the tagline “Bringing Asia and Europe Together” highlights ASEF’s key mission in the past, present, and future. It is the motto that drives all ASEF actions.
Combined, these elements portray the idea of Asians and Europeans coming together to build a common future.
The 25th Anniversary logo should be used in conjunction with the ASEF logo, always and without fail, which is on the right side occupying a dominant and permanent position. This just a positioning with a smaller size suggests movement, dynamism, and room for growth into the future.
ASEF Logo Colour Specifications in Pantone, CMYK, RGB, HEX
Key considerations for your choice of logo formats include ensuring maximum clarity and legibility of the logotype. Prominence of the logo design aesthetics, i.e. how the logo appears on the material you are producing, compatibility with partner logos. The ASEF logo must be CLEAR and DISTINCT from the background on which it is placed.
The following colour specifications must be used:
365 C
C: 90 M: 20 Y: 100 K: 10
R: 0 G: 121 B: 52
485 C
C: 0 M: 90 Y: 92 K: 0
R: 226 G: 35 B: 26
293 C
C: 100 M: 63 Y: 0 K: 35
R: 0 G: 61 B: 165
136 C
C: 0 M: 28 Y: 87 K: 0
R: 255 G: 121 B: 52
80% Black
C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 85
R: 88 G: 88 B: 90
The Exclusion Zone simply means having an adequate clear space on all sides of the logo in any design layout.
The exclusion zone may contain a background colour or a picture, as long as the logo is clear and distinct from it.
The exclusion zone around the vertical logo is the height of the logotype (X) and has to be applied on all sides:
Horizontal Logo
The exclusion zone around the horizontal logo is half the height of the logotype (1/2X) and has to be applied on all sides:
The ASEF logo has a variety of Formats: Vertical, Horizontal, Colour, Greyscale, BW, and Reverse. Here is a summary of the various formats and key considerations for their use.
Key considerations for your choice of logo formats include ensuring maximum clarity and legibility of the logotype. Prominence of the logo design aesthetics, i.e. how the logo appears on the material you are producing compatibility with partner logos.The ASEF logo must be CLEAR and DISTINCT from the background on which it is placed.
#ASEF25 Greyscale
Minimum size requirements for the ASEF logo, both for print and screen
In order to preserve maximum legibility at all times, the ASEF logo must never be used smaller than the indicated below:
To ensure the logo is clearly recognisable and consistent, all parts of logo, from the logomark (symbol) to the logotype must never be altered and have to be reproduced using the approved master artworks provided.
The integrity of the logo must not be compromised. Below are examples of inappropriate uses of the logo.
To ensure that the logo is clearly recognisable, it must never be altered and has to be reproduced using the approved artworks provided. Below are different applications using the various logo versions. Avoid using the reverse logo on high-contrast photos that impede the logo’s legibility.
Ensure the coloured logo appears on white or light-coloured backgrounds.
Avoid using the coloured logo on a dark background or on a photo that does not offer sufficient contrast.
Use the greyscale logo only on light grey or white backgrounds.
Do not use on any other colour.
Consider using black and white or reverse logo application for other colours.
Use the black and white ideally on lightcoloured backgrounds where it provides sufficient contrast.
The full-colour logo should always be used. The Reversed Application variation should only be used if usage of the full-colour logo is not feasible.
Ensure that the reverse logo has sufficient contrast with the background.
This includes use the reverse logo on photographs. It must not be used on photos with
sections that provide poor contrast.
When applying the ASEF logo on a coloured background, never contain it within a boxed area.
However, a white boxed background may be used as a design element when used with other logos.
The suggested logo placement is on the upper or lower left.
The ASEM logo may be used judiciously in tandem with the ASEF logo, but only for projects that are considered official ASEM activities. The ASEF and ASEM logos must always be of the same height.
Always respect the hierarchy among the different organisations depending on the type of partnership.
The position of the logo and hierarchy should directly reflect the type of partnership an organisation has in relation to ASEF and the project in question.
In laying out logos in which there is equal partnership between ASEF and other parties, ensure that the logos visually appear to be of equally standing and that the exclusion zones are respected.
In selecting the correct format of the ASEF Logo to use, consider its visual relationship with the other partners’ logos. If the other logos are more square or vertical in appearance, the vertical ASEF logo should be used.
Similarly, if the other logos are more elongated or horizontal in appearance, the horizontal ASEF logo should be used.
In laying out logos in which there is a supporting relationship between ASEF and third parties, ensure that the logos of ASEF and its partners appear visually dominant over supporters’ logos. The supporters’ logos must never be equal to or bigger than the ASEF logo.
However, the supporters’ logos must visually appear to be of equal standing amongst themselves.
Always respect the hierarchy among the different organisations depending on the type of partnerships.
The size of the logo and succeeding hierarchy should, therefore, directly reflect the type of partnership an organisation has in relation to ASEF and the project in question.
In cases where the Programme is to be highlighted with its own logo, the Programme logo should be given prominence before the organisers’.
The Programme logo should stand alone or separate, and the organising and sponsor logos should assume an
inferior position to the programme logo.
The rules for organiser/supporter logos mentioned in the previous section applies.
In addition to the ASEF logo or Partner logo, the following text may be added to indicate the level of ASEF’s or the Partner’s involvement in or relationship to a particular project.
A project of / by
An initiative of / by
To indicate project ownership by the referred party
Managed by
Administered by
Maintained by
For web-based platforms that are maintained and administered by ASEF
Supported by
To indicate non-monetary support by the referred party
Funded by
Sponsored by
To indicate monetary support by the referred party
© Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) 2020